Monday, September 30, 2013

Sra.Gisela Muller-----Decades Presentaciones

LAS MODAS DE LAS DÉCADAS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS de los años/50's/60's/70's/80's/90's Rubrica Todo Estará hecho en ACCIÓN EL PUNTO (Power Point)Usen libros, la Red y citación Buscan informes sobre:1. el estilo de vestirse 2. La música 3. Las modos de transporte (carros, etc.) 4. Tecnología 5. Estilos del cabello 6. Avances de médicina 7. Palabras de moda 8. Personas de moda 9. Personas importantes 10. Pasatiempos populares 11. Noticias importantes 12. ESCOJAN UN PAIS HISPANOHABLANTE Y COMPAREN Y CONTRASTEN LOS ELEMENTOS DEL 1-11  Recurso de la Biblioteca Sitio   

Due: October 17, 2013
Base de Datos
Virtual Reference Collection
ABC-CLIO American History
World Book Online

Academic Integrity
NoodleTools Citation System
Destiny Catalogo de los libros


Escoja un compañero con cual quiere trabajar.  Tenemos tres días en el salón 108 para hacer un busquejo.  Pongan toda la información en Acción de Punto para presentarsélo a su clase. No se olviden su citación en su proyecto.

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Hispanic Heritage Month~ Spanish 3~ Ms. Muller

Spanish Hispanic Heritage Project
Due date: October 9, 2013
Objectives: To develop a knowledge and understanding about the Hispanic Culture through the research of a Hispanic Hero.
Procedure: Create a power point presentation
1. Front cover must have picture of your hero.
2. Information must be written in Spanish.
3. Information must be cited.
1. Where were they born, what is their heritage if they were born in the US?
2. Short biography about them.
3. What was the political climate of their country?
4. What contributions did they provided for their community and/or the world.

Library Resources:

1. A book of your choice (Look on Destiny)
2. Virtual Reference Collection (Biography Reference Center, World Book Online, etc.)
Web Sites:

Monday, September 23, 2013

College Profile Guides~ New Editions

College visits have started.  Do you need information about a prospective college or university?
There are new editions of college/university profile guides in your school library.  Feel free to stop by and check one out.

  • Profiles of American Colleges- Northeast 2013
  • The Ultimate Guide to America's Best Colleges- 2014
  • Scholarships, Grants and Prizes 2014

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Welcome Back!

Welcome back to Ward Melville High School Library!
The place for your information needs.