Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Riggo~Important Themes of the 19th Century

  The Assignment:
Background Information:  The umbrella of the 19th Century covers the time period of 1750 to 1914.  Historians refer to this period as The Long 19th Century and it is characterized by several themes which have shaped the world we live in today.  These themes are Industrialization, Revolution and Independence Movements, Nationalism, Reform Movements, Imperialism and Emancipation.  These themes illustrate the changes that helped set in motion the increase in the power of the West in the world at large.

Task:  You are to choose one of the aforementioned themes of the 19th Century and discuss TWO events or inventions that exemplify that theme.  You are to discuss TWO different events or inventions.  They must be related to the same theme and have had similar goals, but they do NOT have to be from the same area!  You should try to avoid events from the United States, but you may use ONE event from the U.S..  Papers should discuss the background information of each event, the course or activities of each event and its impact on World History.  Your introduction should include a thesis and examine the theme.  Your conclusion should establish a connection between the two by comparing and contrasting their achievements.

Available Resources: 

Destiny Library Services> Search Catalog for books on your topic
(e.g. Keywords: Imperialism, Industrialization)
VRC Databases> ABC-CLIO World History: the Modern Era, History Study Center 

Thursday, November 6, 2014

College Visits~College Guides

College Visits?? Trying to decide?

 Check out the library's collection of College Guides.
  • Barron's Profiles of American Colleges, 2013
  • The Ultimate Guide to America's Best Colleges, 2014
  • Teen's Guide to College and Career Planning: Your High School Road Map....
  • Admission Possible: the "dare to be yourself" guide to getting into the best colleges..

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Bring Your Own Device~ BYOD to School

Students may bring their own personal devices – laptops, tablets and smartphones to school and will be able to access our Wi-Fi Network. 

Need a mobile device to use while in school?

Students can borrow a Chromebook from the library.  You must have a student ID.  No exceptions!

Chromebooks must be returned at the end of the school day by 2 p.m. to the library desk.  Students are not allowed to take the Chromebook home.  It is to be used in school only.   

Sign into the Chromebook using your school Google (GAFE) account.  

Visit your school library for more information on Wi-Fi access & Google Apps for Education (GAFE). We will be more than happy to assist you and instructional handouts are available.

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Sra. Muller~Hispanic Heritage Month Project

Spanish Hispanic Heritage Project

Due date: 10/10/14
Objectives: To develop a knowledge and understanding about the Hispanic Culture through the research of a Hispanic Hero.
Procedure: Create a power point presentation
1. Front cover must have picture of your hero.
2. Information must be written in Spanish.
3. Information must be cited.
1. Where were they born, what is their heritage if they were born in the US?
2. Short biography about them.
3. What was the political climate of their country?
4. What contributions did they provided for their community and/or the world.

Library/Information Center Resources:

1. A book of your choice (Search Destiny Catalog)
2. Virtual Reference Collection  
(Biography Reference Center, World Book Online, etc.)

Web Sites:

Sra.Gisela Muller-----Decades Presentaciones

LAS MODAS DE LAS DÉCADAS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS de los años 30's/40's/50's/60's/70's/80's/90's Rubrica Todo Estará hecho en ACCIÓN EL PUNTO (Power Point)Usen libros, la Red y citación Buscan informes sobre:1. el estilo de vestirse 2. La música 3. Las modos de transporte (carros, etc.) 4. Tecnología 5. Estilos del cabello 6. Avances de médicina 7. Palabras de moda 8. Personas de moda 9. Personas importantes 10. Pasatiempos populares 11. Noticias importantes 12. ESCOJAN UN PAIS HISPANOHABLANTE Y COMPAREN Y CONTRASTEN LOS ELEMENTOS DEL 1-11en un ensayo de 100 palabras.
Due: 10/9/14

Recurso de la Biblioteca Sitio   

Base de Datos
Virtual Reference Collection
ABC-CLIO American History
World Book Online


Escoja un compañero con cual quiere trabajar.  Tenemos tres días en el salón 108 para hacer un busquejo.  Pongan toda la información en Acción de Punto para presentarsélo a su clase. No se olviden su citación en su proyecto.

Friday, June 6, 2014

Sra. Muller~AP Spanish Language Picture Books

El Cuento de Niños
Proyecto: Un libro de cuento 

Tres Opciones: 

1. Escoja un libro de la biblioteca y tradùzcalo.
2. Invente un cuento de niño.
3. Crea un cuento sobre un amigo o una amiga.

Todos los libros tienen que ser no menos de diez páginas.

Todos los libros tienen que ser en colores.

Tienen que leerlo a su clase. 
Los estudiantes vinieron a la biblioteca para utilizaron los libros de niños en nuestra colecciòn.


Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Noodletools App

 Get the NoodleTools App!

Students are welcome to download NoodleTools Companion, our latest addition to the NoodleTools mobile platform! The iOS and Android apps are FREE for all NoodleTools subscribers.
Download the NoodleTools Companion for iPhone Download the NoodleTools Companion for Android
Students working in the library can efficiently scan a book's ISBN or search by author/title to generate a perfectly-formatted citation. After adding an annotation (or notes), the citation can then be routed directly into the student's NoodleTools project of choice.

This app is optimized for phone screens, but can be used on an iPad or other tablet. Open www.noodletools.com in a browser like Safari or Chrome to access the full functionality of NoodleTools via our mobile site.

Stay tuned for our growing mobile platform to meet today's student needs. Here at NoodleTools, we strive for mobile functionality that is educationally sound. You can count on us to develop tools and content that power student efficiency for high-quality work. We grow plants, not zombies!


Damon Abilock
NoodleTools Co-Founder

Friday, May 23, 2014

Riggio Current Events Research

The examination of current events is an important component of World History. It is beneficial to study the past in order to gain background information to help understand the present, but it is also important to look at modern issues and conflicts. During this project, you will take an in-depth look at a current issue that you find interesting or meaningful. After you select a topic, you will track that subject and look for newspaper or magazine articles to analyze.

Choose a topic of personal interest. It must be of national or international importance and broad enough that you will be able to find up-to-date information. Some suggestions include (But are NOT limited to)…

- International Conflict

- Revolution and Civil War

- Global Issues

- Medical Issues (cloning, new cancer treatments or Stem Cell Research)

- Environmental Issues

- Human Rights Abuses and Genocide

- Military Dictatorships

- Terrorism

Research: Find at least 5 relevant articles that are connected to your topic. Articles should come from reliable sources (Newspapers, news magazines, online news outlets).  All articles must be dated.  Depending upon your topic, you may be able to find two different articles about the same event, but written from different points of view. For example, CNN might offer a different interpretation of a suicide bombing in Iraq than would Al Jazeera. You may wish to include a political cartoon.

Recommended Resources for this assignment: You can access numerous articles from magazines and newspapers using the VRC  
  • eLibrary 
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context 
  • Gale Newstand
  • SIRS Discoverer (Click on the date link to bring more recent articles to the top of your search)