Saturday, February 25, 2012

Mrs. Gandt English 11 H ~ Research Paper

Here is your opportunity to become a minor authority on one aspect of an American author of your choice.  You will also learn formal research paper techniques that you will use for this assignment and for assignments in your senior year and in college.  Save all “how-to” handouts for future use.  The assignment will receive 3 MAJOR GRADES:  1) content, 2) form and 3) preliminary steps.  Therefore, in addition to the finished product, it is very important to do all preliminary steps on time and according to instructions.   

You should seriously consider if your ‘Independent Reading’ author fits the following categories or select an American author who you enjoy reading but who is NOT from the usual list of white, male authors.  Let’s explore the diversity of America and its literature.  Your author can be:

            a)  either male or female
 b) a novelist, short story writer, poet, dramatist, or writer of non-fiction;
            c) late 20th century.

Get an OVERVIEW of your author and his/her literature by using the reference works on listed on the assignment on the blogspot (  Virtual  Reference Collection → Literature/Language→ Literature Resource Center or Bloom’s Literary reference

Go to left side bar (class handouts) for the full assignment sheet.  See Mrs. Hatcher if you any questions regarding the recommended resources for this assignment.