Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Sra. Muller~Spanish 4~Qt. 2 Project~Los Deportes

Señora Muller/ Español 4
Qt. 2 Project

No translator can be used for this project. Dictionaries will be available for all in the library.

Access Library Resources through DESTINY

Online Databases (VRC)

Academic Integrity

Los Deportes
1. tendran 3 dias en la biblioteca

2. Hagan un folleto de una escuela de__________(deporte)
3. Necesitan 4 paginas del folleto
4. Use p. 94

Las Paginas:
a. p.1  como p.94
b. p. 2 son como p.94  y contestan las preguntas:
    ¿Cuales paises en Latina America y España se puede participar en este deporte? (una o   
    dos frases)
    Qué beneficios fiscios oferce este deporte.
c. p.3 paquete de 1 día/ paquete de 3 días
 p. 4 work cited page (10 points will be lost if this is missing)
    (use un libro de la biblioteca, los sitios de la Red educativa, Google solamente para

Due: 12/21/12

1. You will have 3 days in the library
2. Make a brochure about a school of (sport)
(use p. 94 from the textbook as an example)
3. You need 4 pages for your brochure
a. p1 p. 94
b. p. 2 like p. 94 and answer the following questions in at least two to three complete sentences.
What countries in Latin America and Spain can you participate in this sport? Why did you choose this sport?
c. p. 3 one day and 3 day packages
p. 4 work cited page (You will lose 10 points if missing)
(use one library book, database, educational websites, Google only for images)

Grading Rubric

Sra. Muller & Mr. Miller/Spanish 4/Qt 2 Project: Los Deportes
Rubrics: Points
Due December 21, 2012(10) ____________________
Brochure Format (20) ____________________
Spanish usage without translator (30) ____________________
Followed format on p.96 (15) ____________________
Creativity/ Originality (10) ____________________
Utilized website & cited sources (15) ____________________

total: (100) ________________

See Mrs. Hatcher if you have any questions or need assistance with the recommended information resources and work cited format.

Friday, December 14, 2012

Mr. Cereola ~ Writing @ the Threshold Research Paper

Writing at the Threshold

For this assignment students will research and write a paper on a topic of their choosing. 

Sample topics: 

  • Peer Pressure
  • The U.S. Civil War
  • Legalization/Legislation of Marijuana
  • Gun Control/2nd Amendment
  • NFL Quaterbacks Robert Griffin III, Andrew Luck, Tom Brady, etc.
  • Illegal Immigration
  • Effects of text message on the individual and society
and so on..............................

Mrs. Hatcher will assist the class with an overview of the new Destiny Library Services.  Instruction to include a review of online resources recommended for this assignment such as SIRS Knowledge Search, eLibrary and Noodletools. 

Monday, December 10, 2012

Mrs. Domino: F.A.C.S. ~ Preschoolers Emotional Development Essay

Your assigment:

Find an article on emotional development of preschoolers 4-6 and type and attach article to it.

Some suggested topics:

Sibling rivalry
Separation anxiety
Violent behavior

Be prepared to read what you have written(so proofread) and give at least 2 suggestions for the problem you researched. The suggestions would be as if you were an Early Childhood Educator and was giving advice to a parent or fellow colleague. This will be handed in to me and counted as a test grade.

Suggested Resources:

Parents.com Website

Pampers Village website. This section of the site contains questions/answers to common behavior problems in preschooler.  Emotional development topics listed separately.

Social-Emotional Develoment in Young Children.  A general information source which gives scenarios of different emotional behaviors of preschoolers.

Growing Together: Preschooler Development. This article offers some general information on preschooler development.

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

Mr. Swain~ Writing at the Threshold- Research Paper

Objective: Prepare a 5-7 page research paper using MLA standards based on a
question you would like to answer
Sample questions:
Are social networking cites good for our society? Should teachers get tenure?
Should insider trading by congress be allowed? Is the use of standardized tests
improving education in America? Do violent video games contribute to youth
violence? Should marijuana be a medical option? Should the drinking age be
lowered from 21 to a younger age? Should people become vegetarian? Should
euthanasia be legal? Are cell phones safe? Should gay marriage be legal?
Should performance enhancing drugs be accepted in sports?
Do not pick a topic that you have your mind made up about. Your research should lead you to the formulation of your thesis.
MLA guidelines: formatting (heading, font, etc.), parenthetical references, & work cited page.
Suggested Resources in VRC:
  • eLibrary (located in Pro/Con section)
  • SIRS Knowledge Source (Researcher, etc.)
  • CQ Researcher
Also, you can search in Destiny for books on your topic. 

Ms. Thomas~ A Thousand Splendid Suns Research Project

A Thousand Splendid Suns
Pre-Reading Research Power-Point Presentations—Due:

For this assignment, you will work with a partner to research one of the following topics.  It will be your job to teach your classmates what you have learned so we all have an adequate understanding of the topic.  You will have two days in the computer lab to research and put together your presentation.  You must cite all sources in MLA style as the last slide of your PowerPoint.  See Ms. Thomas' handout for list of topics.

Suggested Resources: 

  • VRC (Virtual Reference Collection)- World Book Online, ABC-CLIO World History, eLibrary, etc.
  • Search Destiny's Library Catalog for a list of books for your topics. 
See Mrs. Hatcher if you need more assistance with resources.