Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Kunkel~ I-Search Research Paper

For class, you will be required to write a formal research paper. The format of this paper is based on The I-Search Paper (1988) by Ken Macrorie. The I-Search Paper requires you, the researcher and writer, to search for information and write about your findings and search process.

The I-Search Paper requires you to document, interpret, and present information from reliable and credible sources, but it is unique in the sense that it affords you the opportunity to speak directly about your research process and what you’ve learned using the pronoun “I.” This means that you will be allowed to utilize first person narration in certain sections of your research paper.

The paper will have five written components:

1.    My Question   (The essential question you are trying to answer and the reasons why you decided to research this particular question/topic.)  “I” format
2.    My Search Process   (The story of your hunt for information.)  “I” format
3.   What Has Been Learned (Connect your findings to the original question.)
NOT “I” format
4.  What This Means To Me (How has researching this question influenced you?)  “I” format
5.  Works Cited Page (Reference sources in alphabetical order using MLA format.)

MLA info: http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl

Recommended Information Resources:    
  • SIRS Researcher- located in Pro/Con section of VRC
  • Opposing Viewpoints in Context Issues- located in Pro/Con section of VRC

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