Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Mrs. Cowan's College Research Project

For this project you are going to choose at least one college that you think you will attend next year.  You need to find information about this college based on the list below.
·         You are required to use at least 3 sources.
·         You must follow MLA format.
Here is a list of the information that you need to acquire about the college of your choice.
·         Majors
·         Student body size
·         Sports teams
·         Music/theatre programs
·         Clubs
·         Political organizations
·         Newspapers and other publications
·         Location
·         Surrounding area
·         Graduation rate
·         History
·         Scholarship opportunities

See Mrs. Hatcher if you have any questions about information resources.  

Suggested Resources:
General College Information:
·         College Website
·         College Blog
Location/Surrounding Area:
·         State Websites
·         Tourism Websites
Scholarship Opportunities/Financial Aid:
Print Resources Available in the Library
·         “Teen’s guide to college & career planning: your high school roadmap for college and career success.”
            Call # 378.1 TEE
·         “The ultimate scholarship book 2012: billions of dollars in scholarships, grants and prizes"
           Call # 378.3 TAN
·         “The College Board scholarship handbook, 2006 with a forward by Joseph A. Russo.”
           Call # 378.3 COL