Monday, December 19, 2011

Candreva ~ The Arugmentative Research Assignment

In this assignment, students are required to present an argument of their choosing.  Remember that argumentation  musters proof and brings it forth in order to persuade, defend, or, at times attack. In that stricter sense this process of writing is logical and formal. An exposition paper strives to explain, argumentation strives to win. 

Assignment Description:

You are to research a debatable topic.  Almost anything can become controversial, so be mindful in your choice of content.  You will be expected to create a clear, argumentative thesis statement, supporting it with specific examples, and using MLA format to incorporate material from secondary sources by summarizing, paraphrasing, and directly quoting. 

A minimum of five sources must be used, three of which must be scholarly, peer-reviewed articles.  Your other sources can come from websites, magazines, interviews, and other valid resources. 

Your librarian, Mrs. Hatcher, will provide an overview of some recommended resourcesIn addition, she will provide instruction in using the Noodletools Citation maker for creating a Work Cited page.

For example:

VRC > Issues & Controveries for suggested topics.

See Class Handouts on the left side of this blog for a copy of this assignment.

Mr. Sterne~ Great Moral Issues Assignment

After paticipating in this lesson, students should have a greater awareness of the methods of addressing difficult social/moral ethical issues- an issue of their own choosing.

Researching a moral issue

Objectives for this assignment > Students will be able to:

Choose a moral/ethical social issue that sparks interest;
Describe the elements that make this topic such an issue;
Indentify and Evaluate the conflicting ponts of view concerning this topic;
Promulgate public policy;
Self-evaluate the process involved with this project from start to finish;
Defend thier conclusions and their proposal;
Participate, in a theorectical way, in the governmental process;

Materials: All printed and electronic research material available in the Information Center; class discussion; home computer/internet research; public library material; teacher-supplied materials; project manual.

Mr. Stern will distribute the project guidelines, grading rubric, investigative procedure flow chart, and self-evaluation and processing materials.  This material is then fully explained.  The objectives of the proejct and expectations are then discussed in depth.  Students will then be requested to choose a topic to explore.  Class time will be given to conduct much of the research.  As part of this phase, the students receive an orientation to the Ward Melville Information Center.  Mrs. Hatcher will provide suggestions regarding research techniques, both printed and electronic.  *Handouts for access to all of the Information Center resources will be given out during class time.

Recommended Information Resources:

In print: Check the OPAC (Search Plus) online book catalog for a topic of interest.

Examples > Gun Control, Cigarette Warning Labels, Hydrofracking, etc.

Electronic: Go to the VRC online databases > Issues & Controversies in American History or Issues & Controversies

*Extra handouts with directions to the VRC are located at the front desk in the Library Information Center

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Mrs. Domino: F.A.C.S. ~ Preschoolers Emotional Development Essay

Your assigment:

Find an article on emotional development of preschoolers 4-6 and type and attach article to it.

Some suggested topics:

Sibling rivalry
Separation anxiety
Violent behavior

Be prepared to read what you have written(so proofread) and give at least 2 suggestions for the problem you researched. The suggestions would be as if you were an Early Childhood Educator and was giving advice to a parent or fellow colleague. This will be handed in to me and counted as a test grade.

Suggested Resources:

Pampers Village website. This section of the site contains questions/answers to common behavior problems in preschooler.  Emotional development topics listed separately.

Social-Emotional Develoment in Young Children.  A general information source which gives scenarios of different emotional behaviors of preschoolers.

Growing Together: Preschooler Development. This article offers some general information on preschooler development.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Señora Gisela Muller-----Español 4-----Indigenous Tribes of Latin America

Power Point Group Project: Qt. 2   Due Date: January 4, 2012

Indigenous Tribes of Latin America

Kaqchikel girls

1.  Research the following Tribes according to your assigned country.  There will be 4 days in the library.
2. Include pictures of the tribe and village.
3. You need to report on the following:
  1. language
  2. culture
  3. history
  4. list of 5 indigenous words and their meanings
All information must be done on power point and presented orally as a group.

Country: Tribes (Click on a tribe's link to get started)
Additional Information Resources you can consult:

VRC databases: Click on this link to open it up.  Use the username & password provided by your librarian, Mrs. Hatcher
  • CulturGrams World Edition (located under History/Geography) section
  • World Atlas- World Geography & Culture (located under History/Geography) section
 Gale Student Resources: You can get there by clicking on this link.
Then choose your country under Geography (View All Section)

Example: Guatemala > Reference > Garifuna

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Mrs. Gandt- English 10 R- The I-Search Paper

The I-Search Paper
Notes based on The I Search Paper (1988) by Ken Macrorie
MLA info:

The I-Search Paper directly involves you, the writer, into both process (searching for info) and product (the writing about that search).  It challenges the concept that research is the searching again for information already documented.  If you have never searched for information on the topic before, there is little re about it.  You will connect to the topic in a unique way that cannot be ignored.

The paper will have five written components:
1.                  My Question   (and why I decided to research this question)  “I” format
2.                  My Search Process   (the story of the hunt)  “I” format
3.                  What Has Been Learned (connect findings to the original question) NOT “I” format
4.                  What This Means To Me (how has researching this question changed you)  “I” format
5.                  Works Cited Page (all references in alphabetical order using MLA)
6.                  Oral Presentation ( speech, skit, poster, video, or some other exhibition of knowledge to be presented to the class)  January 2012

For more information on your assignment go to the class handout section of this blog (left hand side).

Also, See your librarian, Mrs. Hatcher for further assistance with the VRC online databases and with citing your sources (Noodletools, etc.)

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Ms. Kraemer- Social Studies- Nationalist Movement: The Unification of Germany and Italy

Historical Background:  Nationalist movements led to the creation of several new nations across Europe during the mid-1800s.
TASK:  Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper.  Attach this sheet to your responses.  COUNTS AS A QUIZ GRADE.  Due Monday 11/15.

  1. What is nationalism?

  1. What are the possible results of nationalism?

  1. How can nationalism be a unifying force on a group of people?

  1. How did nationalism lead to the creation of nation-states in BOTH Italy and Germany? (Briefly describe)

  1. Identify the following individuals and identify what each individual’s role was in the unification process of Italy:
    1. Giuseppe Mazzini
    2. Camillo Cavou
    3. Giuseppe Garibaldi

  1. Who is Otto Von Bismarck?
7.  What was his role in German Unification?
  1.  What is Otto Von Bismarck’s policy of “Blood and Iron”?

  1. What is a Kaiser?

  1. Who is the first Kaiser of the unified Germany?

Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Sra.Gisela Muller-----Presentaciones

LAS MODAS DE LAS DÉCADAS EN LOS ESTADOS UNIDOS de los años/50's/60's/70's/80's/90's Rubrica Todo Estará hecho en ACCIONE EL PUNTO (Power Point)Usen libros, la Red y citación Buscan informes sobre:1. el estilo de vestirse 2. La música 3. Las modos de transporte (carros, etc.) 4. Tecnología 5. Estilos del cabello 6. Avances de médicina 7. Palabras de moda 8. Personas de moda 9. Personas importantes 10. Pasatiempos populares 11. Noticias importantes 12. ESCOJAN UN PAIS HISPANOHABLANTE Y COMPAREN Y CONTRASTEN LOS ELEMENTOS DEL 1-11  Recurso de la Biblioteca Sitio   

Due: November 28, 2011
Base de Datos
Virtual Reference Collection
ABC-CLIO American History
World Book Online
Gale Cengage Learning Databases
Student Resources in Context

Monday, October 24, 2011

October is Internet Safety Month

Stop, Think, Connect ~ Internet Safety

Do you go on Social Networking sites like Facebook?
Do you IM with your friends? Text just about everything?

Stop- Think- Connect and keep these helpful tips in mind:

- Keep a Clean Machine - Keep security software current by having the latest security.

- Protect Your Personal Information by making passwords long and strong.
- Connect with care by deleting suspicious emails, etc.
- Be Web Wise by thinking before you act on communications that implore you to act immediately.
- Be a Good Online Citizen by posting only about others as you have them post about you.

                         For more tips and information on Internet/Cyber Safety
