Tuesday, March 15, 2016

APWH~Change Over Time Essay~Stelfox

Change and Continuity Over Time

Assignment: Write a CCOT essay that addresses the question below

Question: Analyze the changes and continuities in the formation and influence of transnational organizations for cooperation from 1910-Present.  Choose one transnational organization:
United Nations,Warsaw Pact, League of Nations, North Atlantic Treaty Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement

Thesis MUST address change, continuity and analysis of why change or continuity  occurred throughout the time period given and region(s).  Be sure to use the CCOT thesis formula provided for you. See your class handout for additional directions and rubric.

Tip: Give specific evidence (Events, developments, people, conferences, treaties, wars, etc.) to support your thesis. 

Recommended Information Resources:

  • History Study Center 
  • ABC-CLIO World History Modern Era
  • ProQuest Historical Newspapers
Works Citation:

Noodletools can be accessed through the VRC databases.  You can utilize the notecard feature for creating annotated notes. 


Create an account.  Your teacher will provide you with a class ID and class enrollment password.

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